Who was julius caesar astronomers
Who was julius caesar astronomers

who was julius caesar astronomers

Sulla removed Caesar from the priesthood of Flamen Dialis, and Caesar actually went on the run as a Noble Fugitive, living hand to mouth in the wild before being caught by Sulla's soldiers. Caesar refused to do so, and courageously (and some might say foolishly) defied the dictator. He demanded that Julius divorce his wife Cornelia (daughter of the disgraced Cinna) and marry into his circle as a test of loyalty. Sulla also tried to control and insinuate himself into political life by controlling and regulating the lives of others. This happened, unsurprisingly, to many of Cinna's associates and extended network. Anyone whose name was featured in the notices (which is what proscriptions means) was an Outlaw: they were denied rights and protections, their properties could be seized by the state, and their children and family were permanently barred from political office. When Sulla returned and took over Rome, driving Cinna, Quintus Sertorius and others away (where they would eventually die ignominiously) he unleashed a round of proscriptions in the capital. Marius had died about a year before Caesar became a high priest, but he did approve his nephew's nomination, though historians note that there is next to no evidence of any other connection or bond Caesar might have had with "The Third Founder of Rome".


Caesar's father died when he was 16, making Caesar the head of the household (paterfamilias), and within a year he'd attained the position of Flamen Dialis note High Priest of Jupiter, who lived under a series of religious injunctions, most famously being forbidden to ride a horse, touch iron, touch a corpse, spend the night outside the City, or become Consul in compensation he got a unique hat and a seat in the Senate, for which he had to break off his engagement to a plebeian girl and marry Cornelia, the daughter of four-time consul, the populare Lucius Cornelius Cinna, who at that time was allied with Caesar's uncle Marius in a nasty factional fight with the Optimate-backed Sullans. Gaius Julius Caesar (13 note or 12 July 100 BC – 15 March 44 BC) was born in the month his successor would rename after him, July (then called Quintilis), in the year 100 BC, to a minor aristocratic family that nonetheless traced its line back to the foundation of Rome, as well as the goddess Venus and the hero Aeneas. Had nothing to do with the salad, the pizza franchise, the casino/hotel in Las Vegas, or (probably) the surgical procedure. Brilliant general, orator, politician and writer.

Who was julius caesar astronomers